Učesnici/Participants 2024.

Romania, Râșnov, Fortress and Saxon's Church

Država/Country: Romania

Grad/City: Râșnov

Lokacija/Location: Fortress and Saxon's Church

Organizator/Organiser: Mioritics Association and Râșnov Municipality


Website: https://www.cetatea-rasnov.ro/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090689526243

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cetatea_rasnov?igsh=OHNwdWo2N3RtazUx

Program na jeziku zemlje prijavitelja-učesnika/Programme description in national language:

Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:

17:30 – 17:45 Brass Band concert at the Fortress (upper lift platform)

18:00 – 19:30
Brass Band concert at the Saxon's Church
Saxon traditional dances
Visit of the Saxon's Church

19:30 Hike to the Fortress (from Piata Unirii)

20:00 Sunset experience and stories at the Fortress (upper lift platform)


Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Mihai Dragomir

Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]

Broj telefona/Phone number: 0040727642858

Romania, Râșnov, Fortress and Saxon's Church

Država/Country: Romania

Grad/City: Râșnov

Lokacija/Location: Fortress and Saxon's Church

Organizator/Organiser: Mioritics Association and Râșnov Municipality


Website: https://www.cetatea-rasnov.ro/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090689526243

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cetatea_rasnov?igsh=OHNwdWo2N3RtazUx

Program na jeziku zemlje prijavitelja-učesnika/Programme description in national language:

Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:

17:30 – 17:45 Brass Band concert at the Fortress (upper lift platform)

18:00 – 19:30
Brass Band concert at the Saxon's Church
Saxon traditional dances
Visit of the Saxon's Church

19:30 Hike to the Fortress (from Piata Unirii)

20:00 Sunset experience and stories at the Fortress (upper lift platform)


Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Mihai Dragomir

Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]

Broj telefona/Phone number: 0040727642858