Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.

Hrvatska, Hvar, tvrđava Fortica

Država/Country: Hrvatska

Grad/City: Hvar

Lokacija/Location: tvrđava Fortica

Organizator/Organiser: Javna ustanova u kulturi HVAR 1612


Website: https://hvar1612.hr/

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555815670564

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hvar1612?igsh=MWh5djE5bXdrcHJvMw==

Program na jeziku zemlje prijavitelja-učesnika/Programme description in national language:

Novoosnovona Javna ustanova u kulturi HVAR 1612 po prvi put se pridružuje manifestaciji Noć tvrđava.

Poznata i po imenu Španjola, ova tvrđava, s najljepšim panoramskim pogledom, simbolizira grad Hvar
Gradnja gradske tvrđave Fortica počinje u 13. stoljeću, a zajedno s gradskim zidinama čini jedinstven obrambeni sustav. Značajnu ulogu tvrđava je odigrala 1571. godine prilikom turske provale te pružila zaštitu pučanstvu koje se u njoj sklonilo.


Slobodan ulaz za sve posjetitelje od 16 sati.

16.00h KLFM Sound System
17.00h RAZGLEDNICE – radionica kolaža za djecu (7-12 g.) s umjetnicom Majom Jelušić
18.00h Razgled Fortice uz stručno vodstvo na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku

Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:

The newly founded Cultural Public Institution HVAR 1612 is joining the Night of Fortresses event for the first time.

Also known as Španjola, this fortress, with the most beautiful panoramic view, symbolizes the town of Hvar.
The construction of the city fortress Fortica began in the 13th century, and together with the city walls it forms a unique defense system. The fortress played a significant role during the Turkish invasion in 1571 and provided protection to the population that took refuge in it.


Free entry for all visitors from 4 p.m.

4 pm KLFM Sound System
5 pm POSTCARDS – collage workshop for children (7-12 years) with artist Maja Jelušić
6 p.m. guided tour of fortress in Croatian and English


Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Jelena Mićić

Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]

Broj telefona/Phone number: +385917271210

Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.

Hrvatska, Hvar, tvrđava Fortica

Država/Country: Hrvatska

Grad/City: Hvar

Lokacija/Location: tvrđava Fortica

Organizator/Organiser: Javna ustanova u kulturi HVAR 1612


Website: https://hvar1612.hr/

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555815670564

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hvar1612?igsh=MWh5djE5bXdrcHJvMw==

Program na jeziku zemlje prijavitelja-učesnika/Programme description in national language:

Novoosnovona Javna ustanova u kulturi HVAR 1612 po prvi put se pridružuje manifestaciji Noć tvrđava.

Poznata i po imenu Španjola, ova tvrđava, s najljepšim panoramskim pogledom, simbolizira grad Hvar
Gradnja gradske tvrđave Fortica počinje u 13. stoljeću, a zajedno s gradskim zidinama čini jedinstven obrambeni sustav. Značajnu ulogu tvrđava je odigrala 1571. godine prilikom turske provale te pružila zaštitu pučanstvu koje se u njoj sklonilo.


Slobodan ulaz za sve posjetitelje od 16 sati.

16.00h KLFM Sound System
17.00h RAZGLEDNICE – radionica kolaža za djecu (7-12 g.) s umjetnicom Majom Jelušić
18.00h Razgled Fortice uz stručno vodstvo na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku

Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:

The newly founded Cultural Public Institution HVAR 1612 is joining the Night of Fortresses event for the first time.

Also known as Španjola, this fortress, with the most beautiful panoramic view, symbolizes the town of Hvar.
The construction of the city fortress Fortica began in the 13th century, and together with the city walls it forms a unique defense system. The fortress played a significant role during the Turkish invasion in 1571 and provided protection to the population that took refuge in it.


Free entry for all visitors from 4 p.m.

4 pm KLFM Sound System
5 pm POSTCARDS – collage workshop for children (7-12 years) with artist Maja Jelušić
6 p.m. guided tour of fortress in Croatian and English


Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Jelena Mićić

Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]

Broj telefona/Phone number: +385917271210