Rijeka, Kaštel Zrinskih, Brod na Kupi

9./30.04.2022. – Traces in the wild



Note: The program is carried out in accordance with the prescribed measures in epidemic conditions. 20 visitors can take part in the activities held in the Zrinski Castle at the same time.

In the Zrinski Castle, a 17th-century castle with the Frankopan Interpretation Center, Brod na Kupi and the permanent exhibition Wildlife with a Sea View, the Museum of Natural History Rijeka organizes a program that starts in the afternoon and lasts until late in the evening hours. Zrinski Castle will be presented through a professionally guided tour of the interpretation center and permanent exhibition, educational and entertainment games „Frankopani 351“ and „Discover and explore the Zrinski Castle“, and an interpretation walk „While the City Sleeps“.

Participation in the program „Night of Fortresses“ and entrance to the Castle are free. The activities are intended for all ages, with an emphasis on educational research games suitable for families with children. Welcome to Brod na Kupi to find out why „Heroes have their end and stories about them don’t!“

Organizer: Natural History Museum Rijeka


