Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.

Hrvatska / Croatia, Šibenik / Šibenik, Nacionalni park „Krka“ / Krka National Park
Država/Country: Hrvatska / Croatia
Grad/City: Šibenik / Šibenik
Lokacija/Location: Nacionalni park „Krka“ / Krka National Park
Organizator/Organiser: Javna ustanova „Nacionalni park Krka” / Public Institute of Krka National Park
Website: http://www.np-krka.hr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/npkrka
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krkanationalpark/
Program uključuje izlet brodom Roški slap – srednjovjekovne utvrde Trošenj i Nečven – Roški slap u trajanju od 2 sata uz pratnju vodiča te obilazak lokaliteta Roški slap. Polazak u 12 sati.
Utvrda Nečven pripada najznačajnijim spomenicima srednjovjekovne fortifikacijske arhitekture u Dalmaciji, Na sjeverozapadnoj strani prominskoga sela Nečvena, iznad lijeve obale rijeke Krke sagrađena je koncem 13. ili početkom 14. stoljeća
Srednjovjekovna utvrda Trošenj smještena je na visokoj klisuri na desnoj obali Krke, nasuprot utvrdi Nečven. Trošenj je sagradila velikaška obitelj Šubić u 14. stoljeću radi nadzora nad strateški važnim mostom preko rijeke Krke.
Obje utvrde, i Trošenj i Nečven, podignute su na gotovo istoj nadmorskoj visini, prva na 243, druga na 242 m.
Prijava na link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1L3XOFQaVUnVDtuEWRyreQFgOXhs0xxTHzvkvbev7L6Y/edit?ts=661f8283&pli=1
Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:
The programme includes boat excursion Roški slap – medieval fortresses Trošenj and Nečven – Roški slap that lasts 2 hours accompanied by guide, and visit of locality Roški slap waterfall. The excursion starts at noon.
The Nečven fortress belongs among the most important monuments of medieval fortification architecture in Dalmatia. The Nečven fortress was built on the northwestern side of the Promina district village of Nečven, above the left bank of the Krka River, at the end of the 13th century or the beginning of the 14th century.
The medieval fortress of Trošenj is located above a deep gorge on the right bank of the Krka River, opposite the fortress of Nečven.
Trošenj was built by the aristocratic Šubić family in the 14th century for control over the strategically important bridge over the Krka River. Both fortresses, Trošenj and Nečven, were erected at almost the same height above sea level, the first at 243 m, the other at 242 m.
Login to the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1L3XOFQaVUnVDtuEWRyreQFgOXhs0xxTHzvkvbev7L6Y/edit?ts=661f8283&pli=1
Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Katarina Slugan
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: 0912254327
Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.
Hrvatska / Croatia, Šibenik / Šibenik, Nacionalni park „Krka“ / Krka National Park
Država/Country: Hrvatska / Croatia
Grad/City: Šibenik / Šibenik
Lokacija/Location: Nacionalni park „Krka“ / Krka National Park
Organizator/Organiser: Javna ustanova „Nacionalni park Krka” / Public Institute of Krka National Park
Website: http://www.np-krka.hr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/npkrka
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krkanationalpark/
Program uključuje izlet brodom Roški slap – srednjovjekovne utvrde Trošenj i Nečven – Roški slap u trajanju od 2 sata uz pratnju vodiča te obilazak lokaliteta Roški slap. Polazak u 12 sati.
Utvrda Nečven pripada najznačajnijim spomenicima srednjovjekovne fortifikacijske arhitekture u Dalmaciji, Na sjeverozapadnoj strani prominskoga sela Nečvena, iznad lijeve obale rijeke Krke sagrađena je koncem 13. ili početkom 14. stoljeća
Srednjovjekovna utvrda Trošenj smještena je na visokoj klisuri na desnoj obali Krke, nasuprot utvrdi Nečven. Trošenj je sagradila velikaška obitelj Šubić u 14. stoljeću radi nadzora nad strateški važnim mostom preko rijeke Krke.
Obje utvrde, i Trošenj i Nečven, podignute su na gotovo istoj nadmorskoj visini, prva na 243, druga na 242 m.
Prijava na link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1L3XOFQaVUnVDtuEWRyreQFgOXhs0xxTHzvkvbev7L6Y/edit?ts=661f8283&pli=1
Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:
The programme includes boat excursion Roški slap – medieval fortresses Trošenj and Nečven – Roški slap that lasts 2 hours accompanied by guide, and visit of locality Roški slap waterfall. The excursion starts at noon.
The Nečven fortress belongs among the most important monuments of medieval fortification architecture in Dalmatia. The Nečven fortress was built on the northwestern side of the Promina district village of Nečven, above the left bank of the Krka River, at the end of the 13th century or the beginning of the 14th century.
The medieval fortress of Trošenj is located above a deep gorge on the right bank of the Krka River, opposite the fortress of Nečven.
Trošenj was built by the aristocratic Šubić family in the 14th century for control over the strategically important bridge over the Krka River. Both fortresses, Trošenj and Nečven, were erected at almost the same height above sea level, the first at 243 m, the other at 242 m.
Login to the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1L3XOFQaVUnVDtuEWRyreQFgOXhs0xxTHzvkvbev7L6Y/edit?ts=661f8283&pli=1
Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Katarina Slugan
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: 0912254327