Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.

Hrvatska / Croatia, Zadar / Zadar, Utvrda Forte / Forte fortress
Država/Country: Hrvatska / Croatia
Grad/City: Zadar / Zadar
Lokacija/Location: Utvrda Forte / Forte fortress
Organizator/Organiser: Grad Zadar i Turistička zajednica grada Zadra / City of Zadar and Tourist
Website: https://www.grad-zadar.hr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LikeZadar
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/likezadar/
Zadar je grad svjetske baštine, a na UNESCO listi nalazi se upravo zbog fortifikacijske arhitekture koja je dio lokaliteta serijskog dobra “Obrambeni sustavi Republike Venecije 16. i 17. st.: Stato da Terra- zapadni Stato da Mar”. Obrambeni sustav Zadra sastoji se od gradskih zidina te utvrde Forte pred samim gradom. Utvrda Forte, izgrađena u drugoj polovini 16. st. za vrijeme Mletačke uprave, danas je među Zadranima uglavnom percipirana kao javni park – Perivoj Vladimira Nazora. Program Noći tvrđava u utvrdi Forte donijet će aktivnosti koje se inače održavaju u ovom parku: rekreativne sportske aktivnosti, ali će biti priređena i događanja kojima će se među Zadranima i njihovim gostima podignuti svijest o tome da se radi o utvrdi 16. stoljeća koja je izgrađena kao ključna točka obrane Zadra u vrijeme Mletačke republike. Ova renesansna utvrda vrhunski je primjer graditeljske baštine, ali i spomenik parkovne arhitekture, odnosno izniman primjer prirodne baštine.
Koordinatori programa su: Zrinka Brkan Klarin (Grad Zadar) i Mario Paleka (Turistička zajednica grada Zadra).
8:30 – 10:00 Demonstracija treninga nordijskog hodanja i korektivne vježbe za građane,
– aktivnost provodi Ivan Gobin iz Sportske zajednice Grada Zadra.
11:00 – 13:00 Edukativni program za djecu: Zelena dota 1.
– aktivnost provodi Morana Bačić iz ustanove Natura Jadera.
10:00 – 12:00 Turnir u društvenim igrama: šah i mlin.
– aktivnosti provode Berislav Štefanac i Anamarija Eterović Borzić iz Muzeja antičkog stakla te Ivan Jakić iz Šahovskog kluba Zadar.
15:00-17:00 Turnir u društvenim igrama: šah i mlin.
– aktivnosti provode Berislav Štefanac i Anamarija Eterović Borzić iz Muzeja antičkog stakla te Ivan Jakić iz Šahovskog kluba Zadar.
17:00 – 18:00 Utrka „Fortius“ kroz utvrdu „Forte“.
– aktivnost provodi Edi Stipić iz Atletskog kluba „Fortius“.
18:00 – 19:30 Tematska šetnja „Utvrda Forte: od srednjovjekovnog Varoša do modernog Perivoja“
– aktivnost provode Mirna Petricioli iz tvrtke Nasadi i Zrinka Brkan Klarin iz Grada Zadra, UO za kulturu i šport.
20:00 – Koncert Oridano Gypsy Jazz Band
Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:
Zadar is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and it is on the UNESCO list precisely because of its fortification architecture that is a part of the serial site “Venetian Works of Defence between the 16th and 17th Centuries: Stato da Terra – Western Stato da Mar”. Defensive System of Zadar consists of the city walls and the Forte fortress in front of the city. Forte fortress, built in the second half of the 16th century during the Venetian administration, is today mostly perceived by the people of Zadar as a public park – Vladimir Nazor’s Park. The program of the event of The Night of Fortresses in the Forte fortress will bring activities that are usually held in this park: recreational sports activities, but also activities that will raise awareness among the people of Zadar and their guests about the fact that it is a 16th-century fortress that was built as a key point of Zadar’s defense in the time of the Venetian Republic. This renaissance fortress is a superb example of architectural heritage, but also a monument of park architecture, and an exceptional example of natural heritage.
The coordinators of the programme are: Zrinka Brkan Klarin (City of Zadar, Department for Culture and Sports) and Mario Paleka (Tourist Board of the City of Zadar).
8:30 AM – 10 AM Demonstration of Nordic walking training and corrective exercises for citizens,
– the activity is carried out by Ivan Gobin from the Sports Association of the City of Zadar.
11 AM – 1 PM Educational programme for children: Green dowry 1.
– the activity is carried out by Morana Bačić from the Natura Jadera institution.
10 AM – 12 PM and from Tournament in board games: chess and mill.
– the activity is carried out by Anamarija Eterović Borzić and Berislav Štefanac from the Museum of Ancient Glass.
3 PM – 5 PM Tournament in board games: chess and mill.
– the activity is carried out by Anamarija Eterović Borzić and Berislav Štefanac from the Museum of Ancient Glass.
5 PM – 6 PM Race “Fortius” through the Forte fortress,
– the activity is carried out by Edi Stipić from the Athletic club “Fortius”.
6 PM – 7:30 PM Thematic walk „Forte fortress: from medieval suburbia to modern park“
– the activity is carried out by Mirna Petricioli from the company Nasadi and Zrinka Brkan Klarin from the City of Zadar, Department for Culture and Sports.
8 PM Concert of the Oridano Gypsy Jazz Band.
Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Ante Galić
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: 023212222
Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.
Hrvatska / Croatia, Zadar / Zadar, Utvrda Forte / Forte fortress
Država/Country: Hrvatska / Croatia
Grad/City: Zadar / Zadar
Lokacija/Location: Utvrda Forte / Forte fortress
Organizator/Organiser: Grad Zadar i Turistička zajednica grada Zadra / City of Zadar and Tourist
Website: https://www.grad-zadar.hr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LikeZadar
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/likezadar/
Zadar je grad svjetske baštine, a na UNESCO listi nalazi se upravo zbog fortifikacijske arhitekture koja je dio lokaliteta serijskog dobra “Obrambeni sustavi Republike Venecije 16. i 17. st.: Stato da Terra- zapadni Stato da Mar”. Obrambeni sustav Zadra sastoji se od gradskih zidina te utvrde Forte pred samim gradom. Utvrda Forte, izgrađena u drugoj polovini 16. st. za vrijeme Mletačke uprave, danas je među Zadranima uglavnom percipirana kao javni park – Perivoj Vladimira Nazora. Program Noći tvrđava u utvrdi Forte donijet će aktivnosti koje se inače održavaju u ovom parku: rekreativne sportske aktivnosti, ali će biti priređena i događanja kojima će se među Zadranima i njihovim gostima podignuti svijest o tome da se radi o utvrdi 16. stoljeća koja je izgrađena kao ključna točka obrane Zadra u vrijeme Mletačke republike. Ova renesansna utvrda vrhunski je primjer graditeljske baštine, ali i spomenik parkovne arhitekture, odnosno izniman primjer prirodne baštine.
Koordinatori programa su: Zrinka Brkan Klarin (Grad Zadar) i Mario Paleka (Turistička zajednica grada Zadra).
8:30 – 10:00 Demonstracija treninga nordijskog hodanja i korektivne vježbe za građane,
– aktivnost provodi Ivan Gobin iz Sportske zajednice Grada Zadra.
11:00 – 13:00 Edukativni program za djecu: Zelena dota 1.
– aktivnost provodi Morana Bačić iz ustanove Natura Jadera.
10:00 – 12:00 Turnir u društvenim igrama: šah i mlin.
– aktivnosti provode Berislav Štefanac i Anamarija Eterović Borzić iz Muzeja antičkog stakla te Ivan Jakić iz Šahovskog kluba Zadar.
15:00-17:00 Turnir u društvenim igrama: šah i mlin.
– aktivnosti provode Berislav Štefanac i Anamarija Eterović Borzić iz Muzeja antičkog stakla te Ivan Jakić iz Šahovskog kluba Zadar.
17:00 – 18:00 Utrka „Fortius“ kroz utvrdu „Forte“.
– aktivnost provodi Edi Stipić iz Atletskog kluba „Fortius“.
18:00 – 19:30 Tematska šetnja „Utvrda Forte: od srednjovjekovnog Varoša do modernog Perivoja“
– aktivnost provode Mirna Petricioli iz tvrtke Nasadi i Zrinka Brkan Klarin iz Grada Zadra, UO za kulturu i šport.
20:00 – Koncert Oridano Gypsy Jazz Band
Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:
Zadar is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and it is on the UNESCO list precisely because of its fortification architecture that is a part of the serial site “Venetian Works of Defence between the 16th and 17th Centuries: Stato da Terra – Western Stato da Mar”. Defensive System of Zadar consists of the city walls and the Forte fortress in front of the city. Forte fortress, built in the second half of the 16th century during the Venetian administration, is today mostly perceived by the people of Zadar as a public park – Vladimir Nazor’s Park. The program of the event of The Night of Fortresses in the Forte fortress will bring activities that are usually held in this park: recreational sports activities, but also activities that will raise awareness among the people of Zadar and their guests about the fact that it is a 16th-century fortress that was built as a key point of Zadar’s defense in the time of the Venetian Republic. This renaissance fortress is a superb example of architectural heritage, but also a monument of park architecture, and an exceptional example of natural heritage.
The coordinators of the programme are: Zrinka Brkan Klarin (City of Zadar, Department for Culture and Sports) and Mario Paleka (Tourist Board of the City of Zadar).
8:30 AM – 10 AM Demonstration of Nordic walking training and corrective exercises for citizens,
– the activity is carried out by Ivan Gobin from the Sports Association of the City of Zadar.
11 AM – 1 PM Educational programme for children: Green dowry 1.
– the activity is carried out by Morana Bačić from the Natura Jadera institution.
10 AM – 12 PM and from Tournament in board games: chess and mill.
– the activity is carried out by Anamarija Eterović Borzić and Berislav Štefanac from the Museum of Ancient Glass.
3 PM – 5 PM Tournament in board games: chess and mill.
– the activity is carried out by Anamarija Eterović Borzić and Berislav Štefanac from the Museum of Ancient Glass.
5 PM – 6 PM Race “Fortius” through the Forte fortress,
– the activity is carried out by Edi Stipić from the Athletic club “Fortius”.
6 PM – 7:30 PM Thematic walk „Forte fortress: from medieval suburbia to modern park“
– the activity is carried out by Mirna Petricioli from the company Nasadi and Zrinka Brkan Klarin from the City of Zadar, Department for Culture and Sports.
8 PM Concert of the Oridano Gypsy Jazz Band.
Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Ante Galić
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: 023212222