Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.

Slovenija/Slovenia, Brestanica/Brestanica, Grad Rajhenburg/Rajhenburg Castle
Država/Country: Slovenija/Slovenia
Grad/City: Brestanica/Brestanica
Lokacija/Location: Grad Rajhenburg/Rajhenburg Castle
Organizator/Organiser: Kulturni dom Krško, enota Grad Rajhenburg/Cultural Centre Krško , Rajhenburg Castle Unit
Website: https://www.gradrajhenburg.si/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100055726106388
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gradrajhenburg/
Grad Rajhenburg uvrščamo med najpomembnejše srednjeveške grajske arhitekture na Slovenskem. Ob izgradnji je bil osrednja utrdba in upravno središče posesti salzburške nadškofije v današnjem Posavju. Ob zadnji prenovi, ki je potekala med letoma 2010 in 2012, je bilo temeljito preurejeno tudi predgradje. To je z izčiščenjem obrambnega jarka in razkritjem kamnitega mostovža, ki je bil nato deloma tudi rekonstruiran, stavbi povrnilo videz, kakršnega je imela ob koncu srednjega veka.
Pri javnem vodstvu ob prvi izvedbi akcije Dnevi utrdb v našem prostoru se bomo osredotočili prav na fortifikacijske elemente objekta, ki je skozi stoletja doživel številne preobrazbe, od mogočne utrdbe do današnjega ¬ dediščinskega ¬ prostora.
Večerno druženje bosta zaokrožila izvrstna glasbenika, kontrabasist Žiga Golob in tolkalist Andrej Hrvatin.
20.30–21.00 Grad Rajhenburg – od mogočne utrdbe do izjemne dediščinske stavbe, javno vodstvo, dr. Helena Rožman
21.00–22.00 Spektral, koncert, Žiga Golob in Andrej Hrvatin
22.00–22.30 Odprta vrata gradu
Duet Hrvatin/Golob sestavljata priznani slovenski kontrabasist Žiga Golob in tolkalec Andrej Hrvatin (slednji ustvarja tudi pod umetniškim imenom Nimetu).
Oba glasbenika delujeta na zelo raznolikih glasbenih področjih (jazz, etno, eksperimentalna glasba, kantavtorji) ter v projektih gledališke, performativne, plesne ali filmske narave.
Predstavljata izvirni glasbeni program Spektral, katerega osnovna ideja je barva oz. raziskovanje zvočnosti interakcije kontrabasa in tolkal, občasno tudi kakšnih piščali ter drugih, v glavnem tradicionalnih ali etno zvočil.
Glasba kot komunikacija in ritual. Spektral je lahko tudi ime za presežno, za onkraj … za vesolje (nemško »All«), za ves spekter vibracij, ki tvori naš svet in umetnost v njem.
Glasbe ne jemljeta zlahka, kot nekaj kar zgolj »dekorira čas« ali zabava čute, temveč kot najbolj pristno in globoko komunikacijo, kar jih je človeštvo izumilo. Kar pa ne pomeni, da mora biti zgolj smrtno resna in »težka« … Igrivost in čutnost sta v enaki meri del njunega programa kot abstraktne zvočne slike ali kompleksni ritmi.
Več informacij: https://zigagolob.si/ in https://nimetu.org/
Foto: Miran Kambič, dokumentacija Kulturnega doma Krško.
Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:
Rajhenburg Castle is classified among the most important mediaeval castle architectural monuments in Slovenia. When first built, it served as the main fortress and administrative centre of the estates held by the Archdiocese of Salzburg in present-day Posavje. Its last renovation between 2010 and 2012 included a thorough overhaul of the barbican. The defensive moat was cleared, the stone bridge unearthed and subsequently partially reconstructed, which restored the structure to its late mediaeval appearance.
On the occasion of the first Days of Fortresses action in Slovenia, we will organise a public guided tour. The focus will be on the fortification elements of this building, whose numerous transformations through the centuries marked the evolution of this once mighty fortress to the heritage site it is today.
The evening gathering will conclude with a concert of excellent musicians, double bassist Žiga Golob and percussionist Andrej Hrvatin.
8:30–9:00 PM Rajhenburg Castle – From a Mighty Fortress to an Exceptional Heritage Structure, public guided tour, Dr. Helena Rožman
9:00–10:00 PM “Spektral”, concert, Žiga Golob and Andrej Hrvatin
10:00–10:30 PM Castle Open Day
Duo Hrvatin/Golob features renowned Slovenian double bassist Žiga Golob and percussionist Andrej Hrvatin (also known as the artist Nimetu). Both musicians work in a variety of musical fields (jazz, world, experimental, singer-songwriter music etc.) and theatrical, performative, dance, or film projects. Their original musical repertoire titled ‘Spektral’ centres on musical timbre exploring the sonic interaction of the double bass and percussion with the inclusion of occasional flutes and other, predominately traditional or ethno, sonic devices.
Music as communication and ritual, ‘Spektral’ can also stand for the transcendent, for the beyond … for the universe (German “All”), for the entire spectrum of vibrations constituing our world and art within it. The duo do not take music lightly, as something that merely decorates time or entertains the senses, but rather perceive it as the most genuine and profound communication ever invented by man. This, however, doesn’t mean that it aught to be deathly serious and “hard” … Their repertoire balances playfulness and sensuality with abstract soundscapes and complex rhythms.
For more information visit their websites at: https://zigagolob.si/ and https://nimetu.org/
Photo: Miran Kambič, documentation KDK (Cultural Centre Krško).
Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Zinka Junkar
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: 076204214
Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.
Slovenija/Slovenia, Brestanica/Brestanica, Grad Rajhenburg/Rajhenburg Castle
Država/Country: Slovenija/Slovenia
Grad/City: Brestanica/Brestanica
Lokacija/Location: Grad Rajhenburg/Rajhenburg Castle
Organizator/Organiser: Kulturni dom Krško, enota Grad Rajhenburg/Cultural Centre Krško , Rajhenburg Castle Unit
Website: https://www.gradrajhenburg.si/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100055726106388
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gradrajhenburg/
Grad Rajhenburg uvrščamo med najpomembnejše srednjeveške grajske arhitekture na Slovenskem. Ob izgradnji je bil osrednja utrdba in upravno središče posesti salzburške nadškofije v današnjem Posavju. Ob zadnji prenovi, ki je potekala med letoma 2010 in 2012, je bilo temeljito preurejeno tudi predgradje. To je z izčiščenjem obrambnega jarka in razkritjem kamnitega mostovža, ki je bil nato deloma tudi rekonstruiran, stavbi povrnilo videz, kakršnega je imela ob koncu srednjega veka.
Pri javnem vodstvu ob prvi izvedbi akcije Dnevi utrdb v našem prostoru se bomo osredotočili prav na fortifikacijske elemente objekta, ki je skozi stoletja doživel številne preobrazbe, od mogočne utrdbe do današnjega ¬ dediščinskega ¬ prostora.
Večerno druženje bosta zaokrožila izvrstna glasbenika, kontrabasist Žiga Golob in tolkalist Andrej Hrvatin.
20.30–21.00 Grad Rajhenburg – od mogočne utrdbe do izjemne dediščinske stavbe, javno vodstvo, dr. Helena Rožman
21.00–22.00 Spektral, koncert, Žiga Golob in Andrej Hrvatin
22.00–22.30 Odprta vrata gradu
Duet Hrvatin/Golob sestavljata priznani slovenski kontrabasist Žiga Golob in tolkalec Andrej Hrvatin (slednji ustvarja tudi pod umetniškim imenom Nimetu).
Oba glasbenika delujeta na zelo raznolikih glasbenih področjih (jazz, etno, eksperimentalna glasba, kantavtorji) ter v projektih gledališke, performativne, plesne ali filmske narave.
Predstavljata izvirni glasbeni program Spektral, katerega osnovna ideja je barva oz. raziskovanje zvočnosti interakcije kontrabasa in tolkal, občasno tudi kakšnih piščali ter drugih, v glavnem tradicionalnih ali etno zvočil.
Glasba kot komunikacija in ritual. Spektral je lahko tudi ime za presežno, za onkraj … za vesolje (nemško »All«), za ves spekter vibracij, ki tvori naš svet in umetnost v njem.
Glasbe ne jemljeta zlahka, kot nekaj kar zgolj »dekorira čas« ali zabava čute, temveč kot najbolj pristno in globoko komunikacijo, kar jih je človeštvo izumilo. Kar pa ne pomeni, da mora biti zgolj smrtno resna in »težka« … Igrivost in čutnost sta v enaki meri del njunega programa kot abstraktne zvočne slike ali kompleksni ritmi.
Več informacij: https://zigagolob.si/ in https://nimetu.org/
Foto: Miran Kambič, dokumentacija Kulturnega doma Krško.
Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:
Rajhenburg Castle is classified among the most important mediaeval castle architectural monuments in Slovenia. When first built, it served as the main fortress and administrative centre of the estates held by the Archdiocese of Salzburg in present-day Posavje. Its last renovation between 2010 and 2012 included a thorough overhaul of the barbican. The defensive moat was cleared, the stone bridge unearthed and subsequently partially reconstructed, which restored the structure to its late mediaeval appearance.
On the occasion of the first Days of Fortresses action in Slovenia, we will organise a public guided tour. The focus will be on the fortification elements of this building, whose numerous transformations through the centuries marked the evolution of this once mighty fortress to the heritage site it is today.
The evening gathering will conclude with a concert of excellent musicians, double bassist Žiga Golob and percussionist Andrej Hrvatin.
8:30–9:00 PM Rajhenburg Castle – From a Mighty Fortress to an Exceptional Heritage Structure, public guided tour, Dr. Helena Rožman
9:00–10:00 PM “Spektral”, concert, Žiga Golob and Andrej Hrvatin
10:00–10:30 PM Castle Open Day
Duo Hrvatin/Golob features renowned Slovenian double bassist Žiga Golob and percussionist Andrej Hrvatin (also known as the artist Nimetu). Both musicians work in a variety of musical fields (jazz, world, experimental, singer-songwriter music etc.) and theatrical, performative, dance, or film projects. Their original musical repertoire titled ‘Spektral’ centres on musical timbre exploring the sonic interaction of the double bass and percussion with the inclusion of occasional flutes and other, predominately traditional or ethno, sonic devices.
Music as communication and ritual, ‘Spektral’ can also stand for the transcendent, for the beyond … for the universe (German “All”), for the entire spectrum of vibrations constituing our world and art within it. The duo do not take music lightly, as something that merely decorates time or entertains the senses, but rather perceive it as the most genuine and profound communication ever invented by man. This, however, doesn’t mean that it aught to be deathly serious and “hard” … Their repertoire balances playfulness and sensuality with abstract soundscapes and complex rhythms.
For more information visit their websites at: https://zigagolob.si/ and https://nimetu.org/
Photo: Miran Kambič, documentation KDK (Cultural Centre Krško).
Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Zinka Junkar
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: 076204214