Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.

Hrvatska, Bribir, Kula Turan – Bribir
Država/Country: Hrvatska
Grad/City: Bribir
Lokacija/Location: Kula Turan – Bribir
Organizator/Organiser: Turistička zajednica općine Vinodolske općine
Website: https://tz-vinodol.hr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tzvinodol/
Početkom 13. stoljeća kaštel Bribir došao je u posjed knezova Krčkih, potonjih Frankopana, a kula Turan jedini je preostali dio kaštela, do danas opstao u izvornom tlocrtnom gabaritu. Unutrašnjost kule čuva povijesnu fazu pretvorbe kule u zatvor s vrlo uskim zatvorskim ćelijama, a nakon što posjetitelj prođe uz ćelije, na vrhu kule stići će do Interpretacijskog centra Kulturne rute Putovima Frankopana, posvećen Vinodolskom zakoniku, a upravo je Bribir bio jedan od 9 vinodolskih općina potpisnika istog.
U Noći tvrđava, zatvorske ćelije će ponovno oživjeti – u njima neće biti zarobljeni oni koji su griješili, već će one čuvati komadiće bribirske povijesti. Svaka od šest ćelija imati će svoju temu: povijest Bribira, bribirski kaštel, obitelj Frankopan, Frankopanska bajka, glagoljica i foto kutak. Svaka tema bit će prezentirana na svoj način, uz razne aktivnosti, interaktivne igre, projekcije… Dođite i otkrije koje sve tajne kriju bribirske ćelije!
Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:
At the beginning of the 13th century, the Bribir castle came into the possession of the princes of Krk, the latter Frankopans, and the Turan tower is the only remaining part of the castle, which has survived to this day in its original layout. The interior of the tower preserves the historical phase of the transformation of the tower into a prison with very narrow prison cells, and after the visitor passes by the cells, at the top of the tower, he will reach the Interpretation Center of the Cultural Route of the Frankopan Route, dedicated to the Vinodol Law, and Bribir was one of the 9 Vinodol municipalities that signed it.
In the Night of the Fortresses, the prison cells will come alive again – they will not trap those who have sinned, but they will guard pieces of Bribir history. Each of the six cells will have its own theme: the history of Bribir, the Bribir castle, the Frankopan family, the Frankopan fairy tale, the Glagolitic alphabet and a photo corner. Each topic will be presented in its own way, with various activities, interactive games, projections… Come and find out what secrets the Bribir cells hide!
Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Alenka Spoja
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: 0912487301
Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.
Hrvatska, Bribir, Kula Turan – Bribir
Država/Country: Hrvatska
Grad/City: Bribir
Lokacija/Location: Kula Turan – Bribir
Organizator/Organiser: Turistička zajednica općine Vinodolske općine
Website: https://tz-vinodol.hr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tzvinodol/
Početkom 13. stoljeća kaštel Bribir došao je u posjed knezova Krčkih, potonjih Frankopana, a kula Turan jedini je preostali dio kaštela, do danas opstao u izvornom tlocrtnom gabaritu. Unutrašnjost kule čuva povijesnu fazu pretvorbe kule u zatvor s vrlo uskim zatvorskim ćelijama, a nakon što posjetitelj prođe uz ćelije, na vrhu kule stići će do Interpretacijskog centra Kulturne rute Putovima Frankopana, posvećen Vinodolskom zakoniku, a upravo je Bribir bio jedan od 9 vinodolskih općina potpisnika istog.
U Noći tvrđava, zatvorske ćelije će ponovno oživjeti – u njima neće biti zarobljeni oni koji su griješili, već će one čuvati komadiće bribirske povijesti. Svaka od šest ćelija imati će svoju temu: povijest Bribira, bribirski kaštel, obitelj Frankopan, Frankopanska bajka, glagoljica i foto kutak. Svaka tema bit će prezentirana na svoj način, uz razne aktivnosti, interaktivne igre, projekcije… Dođite i otkrije koje sve tajne kriju bribirske ćelije!
Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:
At the beginning of the 13th century, the Bribir castle came into the possession of the princes of Krk, the latter Frankopans, and the Turan tower is the only remaining part of the castle, which has survived to this day in its original layout. The interior of the tower preserves the historical phase of the transformation of the tower into a prison with very narrow prison cells, and after the visitor passes by the cells, at the top of the tower, he will reach the Interpretation Center of the Cultural Route of the Frankopan Route, dedicated to the Vinodol Law, and Bribir was one of the 9 Vinodol municipalities that signed it.
In the Night of the Fortresses, the prison cells will come alive again – they will not trap those who have sinned, but they will guard pieces of Bribir history. Each of the six cells will have its own theme: the history of Bribir, the Bribir castle, the Frankopan family, the Frankopan fairy tale, the Glagolitic alphabet and a photo corner. Each topic will be presented in its own way, with various activities, interactive games, projections… Come and find out what secrets the Bribir cells hide!
Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Alenka Spoja
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: 0912487301