Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.

Hrvatska, Karlovac, Stari grad Dubovac
Država/Country: Hrvatska
Grad/City: Karlovac
Lokacija/Location: Stari grad Dubovac
Organizator/Organiser: Grad Karlovac
Website: https://www.karlovac.hr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gradsusreta/?locale=hr_HR
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grad.karlovac/
Posjetitelje očekuje sljedeći program na lokaciji Starog grada Dubovca:
– od 17:00 do 22.30 – Kostimirani glumci posjetitelje vraćaju u doba srednjeg vijeka,
– od 17:00 do 22.30 – Svjetlosni efekti uz ambijentalnu glazbu,
– od 17.00 do 22.30 – besplatan ulaz u izložbene prostore Starog grada, slobodan ulaz u Branič kulu sa vidikovcem,
– od 17.00 do 20.00- Potraga za Blagom- Upoznaj Stari grad Dubovac, aktivnost za mlađe posjetitelje,
– od 18.00 do 20.00 – Od Carlstada do Kaštela, turistička tura. Tura je osmišljena tako da kroz šetnju povezuje karlovačku Zvijezde i Stari grad Dubovac s naglaskom na njihovu obrambenu funkciju kroz povijest. Početak ture je ispred Paviljona Katzler gdje vodiči upoznaju sudionike ture s važnom ulogom Zvijezde kao fortifikacije nastale prema urbanističkom planu idealnog renesansnog grada. U šetnji po Velikoj promenadi nastavlja se priča o bedemima, bastionima i šančevima, graditeljima i
izazovima gradnje šesterokrake zvijezde kao vojnog grada i važne utvrde. Nastavljamo prema Miljokazu uz osvrt na važnu prometnu ulogu Karlovca i izgradnju povijesnih cesta. Ulicom Vladka Mačeka dolazimo do Marmontove aleje, prisjećamo se ceste Lujzijane, Napoleonove vladavine i sadnje javorolisnih platana. Šetnjom uz rijeku Kupu i uz priču o lađarstvu tura nas dovodi do Nacionalnog svetišta Sv. Josipa te priču o gradnji ovog i drugih svetišta na području Karlovca. Slijedi uspon šumskom stazom do Starog grada Dubovca. Po dolasku na Stari grad vodiči tumače nastanak i razvoj utvrde na Dubovcu povezujući priču o najstarijem karlovačkom spomeniku s onom vezanom uz Zvijezdu.
– 18:30 – 19:30 Radionica Sova – Voditeljica: Ivana Mihalić
Aktivnosti započinju čitanjem slikovnice „Strašljiva sova“ autorice Antoanete Klobučar i ilustratorice Ane Kadoić. Nakon priče na likovnoj radionici sudionici će izrađivati sovice uz pomoć kolaž papira, ljepila i škara.
– 19.00- Koncert “Rane skladbe renesanse i baroka”, Koncert profesora i učenika Glazbene škole Karlovac, trajanje 45 minuta.
– 19:30 – 20:30 Radionica Zmaj – Voditelj: Mario Šimić
Nisu svi zmajevi opasni, neki su i prilično dobroćudni. Takav jedan zmaj obitava u priči Eme Pongrašić „O zmaju koji je volio cvijeće“ koja će biti pročitana u pravoj kuli. Nakon priče slijedi radionica na kojoj će sudionici izrađivati zmaja od papira i ukrasiti ga cvijećem koje se spominje u priči.
– 20.00 Koncert AL SiTAR TRIO “Blue Night”, Allan Sitar – piano /vocal, Vjekoslav Crljen – double bass, Filip Lusavec – drums, Allan Sitar – “old school” jazz pijanist i pjevač. Sa svojim triom izvesti će neke od najljepših kompozicija iz svog bogatog opusa – jazz, blues, latin, pop & soul te glazbenom čarolijom noć u Dubovcu učiniti plavom. Trajanje 90 minuta.
– 20:30 – 21:30 Radionica Vjeverica -Voditeljica: Sanja Graša
Nakon čitanja priče „Plašljiva vjeverica u mraku“ autorice Mélanie Watt, na kreativnoj radionici sudionici će izraditi malene vjeverice koje iskaču iz preklopljenih kartončića. Mrak nije tako strašan uz jednu ipak hrabru vjevericu!
– 21:30 – 22:30 Radionica Fazan – Voditeljica: Nataša Vojnović
Nakon priče Igora Knižeka „Drvosječa Tvrtko i fazan iz nebeskoga vrta“, na kreativnoj radionici djeca će od stranica otpisanih knjiga i kartona, tehnikom kolaža, uz pomoć voditeljice, izrađivati malene sličice – uspomene na karlovačku Noć tvrđava 2024. koristeći motiv noći i Starog grada Dubovca.
Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:
Visitors can expect the following program at the location of the Old Town of Dubovac:
– from 17:00 to 22:30 – Costumed actors take visitors back to the Middle Ages,
– from 17:00 to 22:30 – Light effects with ambient music,
– from 17:00 to 22:30 – free entry to the exhibition spaces of the Old Town, free entry to the Branič Tower with an observation deck,
– from 17:00 to 22:30 – Search for Treasure – Discover the Old Town of Dubovac, activity for younger visitors,
– from 18.00 to 20.00 – From Carlstad to Kaštel, tourist tour. The tour is designed to connect Karlovac’s Zvijezde and the Old Town of Dubovac through a walk, with an emphasis on their defensive function throughout history. The start of the tour is in front of the Katzler Pavilion, where the guides introduce the tour participants to the important role of the Star as a fortification created according to the urban plan of an ideal Renaissance city. While walking along the Great Promenade, the story of ramparts, bastions and moats, builders and the challenges of building a six-pointed star as a military city and an important fortress. We continue towards Miljokaz with a review of the important traffic role of Karlovac and the construction of historical roads. On Vladko Maček Street, we reach Marmont’s Alley, we remember the Lujzijana road, Napoleon’s reign and the planting of maple-leafed plane trees. With a walk along the Kupa river and a story about boating, the tour brings us to the National Shrine of St. Joseph and the story of the construction of this and other shrines in the area of Karlovac. Followed by a climb up the forest path to the Old Town of Dubovec. Upon arrival at the Old Town, the guides explain the origin and development of the fort on Dubovac, connecting the story of the oldest monument in Karlovac with the one related to the Star.
– from 18:30 to 19:30 Workshop Owl – Leader: Ivana Mihalić
The activities begin with the reading of the picture book “The Scary Owl” by the author Antoaneta Klobučar and the illustrator Ana Kadoić. After the story in the art workshop, the participants will make owls with the help of collage paper, glue and scissors.
– 19.00- Concert “Early compositions of the Renaissance and Baroque”, Concert of professors and students of the Karlovac Music School, duration 45 minutes.
– from 19:30 to 20:30 Dragon Workshop – Leader: Mario Šimić
Not all dragons are dangerous, some are quite benign. Such a dragon lives in the story of Ema Pongrašić “About the dragon who loved flowers”, which will be read in the real tower. The story will be followed by a workshop where participants will make a paper kite and decorate it with the flowers mentioned in the story.
– 20.00 Concert AL SiTAR TRIO “Blue Night”, Allan Sitar – piano / vocals, Vjekoslav Crljen – double bass, Filip Lusavec – drums, Allan Sitar – “old school” jazz pianist and singer. With his trio, he will perform some of the most beautiful compositions from his rich oeuvre – jazz, blues, Latin, pop & soul, and turn the night in Dubovac blue with musical magic. Duration 90 minutes.
– from 20:30 to 21:30 Workshop Squirrel – Leader: Sanja Graša
After reading the story “Shy Squirrel in the Dark” by Mélanie Watt, in the creative workshop participants will make little squirrels that pop out of folded cardboard. The dark is not so scary with one brave squirrel!
– from 21:30 to 22:30 Pheasant Workshop – Leader: Nataša Vojnović
After Igor Knižek’s story “The woodcutter Tvrtko and the pheasant from the garden of heaven”, in the creative workshop, children will use the collage technique, with the help of the leader, to make small pictures from the pages of written books and cardboard – memories of the Night of Fortresses in Karlovy Vary 2024 using the motif of the night and the Old Town Dubovac.
Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Marinko Pleskina
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: 0995456809
Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.
Hrvatska, Karlovac, Stari grad Dubovac
Država/Country: Hrvatska
Grad/City: Karlovac
Lokacija/Location: Stari grad Dubovac
Organizator/Organiser: Grad Karlovac
Website: https://www.karlovac.hr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gradsusreta/?locale=hr_HR
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grad.karlovac/
Posjetitelje očekuje sljedeći program na lokaciji Starog grada Dubovca:
– od 17:00 do 22.30 – Kostimirani glumci posjetitelje vraćaju u doba srednjeg vijeka,
– od 17:00 do 22.30 – Svjetlosni efekti uz ambijentalnu glazbu,
– od 17.00 do 22.30 – besplatan ulaz u izložbene prostore Starog grada, slobodan ulaz u Branič kulu sa vidikovcem,
– od 17.00 do 20.00- Potraga za Blagom- Upoznaj Stari grad Dubovac, aktivnost za mlađe posjetitelje,
– od 18.00 do 20.00 – Od Carlstada do Kaštela, turistička tura. Tura je osmišljena tako da kroz šetnju povezuje karlovačku Zvijezde i Stari grad Dubovac s naglaskom na njihovu obrambenu funkciju kroz povijest. Početak ture je ispred Paviljona Katzler gdje vodiči upoznaju sudionike ture s važnom ulogom Zvijezde kao fortifikacije nastale prema urbanističkom planu idealnog renesansnog grada. U šetnji po Velikoj promenadi nastavlja se priča o bedemima, bastionima i šančevima, graditeljima i
izazovima gradnje šesterokrake zvijezde kao vojnog grada i važne utvrde. Nastavljamo prema Miljokazu uz osvrt na važnu prometnu ulogu Karlovca i izgradnju povijesnih cesta. Ulicom Vladka Mačeka dolazimo do Marmontove aleje, prisjećamo se ceste Lujzijane, Napoleonove vladavine i sadnje javorolisnih platana. Šetnjom uz rijeku Kupu i uz priču o lađarstvu tura nas dovodi do Nacionalnog svetišta Sv. Josipa te priču o gradnji ovog i drugih svetišta na području Karlovca. Slijedi uspon šumskom stazom do Starog grada Dubovca. Po dolasku na Stari grad vodiči tumače nastanak i razvoj utvrde na Dubovcu povezujući priču o najstarijem karlovačkom spomeniku s onom vezanom uz Zvijezdu.
– 18:30 – 19:30 Radionica Sova – Voditeljica: Ivana Mihalić
Aktivnosti započinju čitanjem slikovnice „Strašljiva sova“ autorice Antoanete Klobučar i ilustratorice Ane Kadoić. Nakon priče na likovnoj radionici sudionici će izrađivati sovice uz pomoć kolaž papira, ljepila i škara.
– 19.00- Koncert “Rane skladbe renesanse i baroka”, Koncert profesora i učenika Glazbene škole Karlovac, trajanje 45 minuta.
– 19:30 – 20:30 Radionica Zmaj – Voditelj: Mario Šimić
Nisu svi zmajevi opasni, neki su i prilično dobroćudni. Takav jedan zmaj obitava u priči Eme Pongrašić „O zmaju koji je volio cvijeće“ koja će biti pročitana u pravoj kuli. Nakon priče slijedi radionica na kojoj će sudionici izrađivati zmaja od papira i ukrasiti ga cvijećem koje se spominje u priči.
– 20.00 Koncert AL SiTAR TRIO “Blue Night”, Allan Sitar – piano /vocal, Vjekoslav Crljen – double bass, Filip Lusavec – drums, Allan Sitar – “old school” jazz pijanist i pjevač. Sa svojim triom izvesti će neke od najljepših kompozicija iz svog bogatog opusa – jazz, blues, latin, pop & soul te glazbenom čarolijom noć u Dubovcu učiniti plavom. Trajanje 90 minuta.
– 20:30 – 21:30 Radionica Vjeverica -Voditeljica: Sanja Graša
Nakon čitanja priče „Plašljiva vjeverica u mraku“ autorice Mélanie Watt, na kreativnoj radionici sudionici će izraditi malene vjeverice koje iskaču iz preklopljenih kartončića. Mrak nije tako strašan uz jednu ipak hrabru vjevericu!
– 21:30 – 22:30 Radionica Fazan – Voditeljica: Nataša Vojnović
Nakon priče Igora Knižeka „Drvosječa Tvrtko i fazan iz nebeskoga vrta“, na kreativnoj radionici djeca će od stranica otpisanih knjiga i kartona, tehnikom kolaža, uz pomoć voditeljice, izrađivati malene sličice – uspomene na karlovačku Noć tvrđava 2024. koristeći motiv noći i Starog grada Dubovca.
Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:
Visitors can expect the following program at the location of the Old Town of Dubovac:
– from 17:00 to 22:30 – Costumed actors take visitors back to the Middle Ages,
– from 17:00 to 22:30 – Light effects with ambient music,
– from 17:00 to 22:30 – free entry to the exhibition spaces of the Old Town, free entry to the Branič Tower with an observation deck,
– from 17:00 to 22:30 – Search for Treasure – Discover the Old Town of Dubovac, activity for younger visitors,
– from 18.00 to 20.00 – From Carlstad to Kaštel, tourist tour. The tour is designed to connect Karlovac’s Zvijezde and the Old Town of Dubovac through a walk, with an emphasis on their defensive function throughout history. The start of the tour is in front of the Katzler Pavilion, where the guides introduce the tour participants to the important role of the Star as a fortification created according to the urban plan of an ideal Renaissance city. While walking along the Great Promenade, the story of ramparts, bastions and moats, builders and the challenges of building a six-pointed star as a military city and an important fortress. We continue towards Miljokaz with a review of the important traffic role of Karlovac and the construction of historical roads. On Vladko Maček Street, we reach Marmont’s Alley, we remember the Lujzijana road, Napoleon’s reign and the planting of maple-leafed plane trees. With a walk along the Kupa river and a story about boating, the tour brings us to the National Shrine of St. Joseph and the story of the construction of this and other shrines in the area of Karlovac. Followed by a climb up the forest path to the Old Town of Dubovec. Upon arrival at the Old Town, the guides explain the origin and development of the fort on Dubovac, connecting the story of the oldest monument in Karlovac with the one related to the Star.
– from 18:30 to 19:30 Workshop Owl – Leader: Ivana Mihalić
The activities begin with the reading of the picture book “The Scary Owl” by the author Antoaneta Klobučar and the illustrator Ana Kadoić. After the story in the art workshop, the participants will make owls with the help of collage paper, glue and scissors.
– 19.00- Concert “Early compositions of the Renaissance and Baroque”, Concert of professors and students of the Karlovac Music School, duration 45 minutes.
– from 19:30 to 20:30 Dragon Workshop – Leader: Mario Šimić
Not all dragons are dangerous, some are quite benign. Such a dragon lives in the story of Ema Pongrašić “About the dragon who loved flowers”, which will be read in the real tower. The story will be followed by a workshop where participants will make a paper kite and decorate it with the flowers mentioned in the story.
– 20.00 Concert AL SiTAR TRIO “Blue Night”, Allan Sitar – piano / vocals, Vjekoslav Crljen – double bass, Filip Lusavec – drums, Allan Sitar – “old school” jazz pianist and singer. With his trio, he will perform some of the most beautiful compositions from his rich oeuvre – jazz, blues, Latin, pop & soul, and turn the night in Dubovac blue with musical magic. Duration 90 minutes.
– from 20:30 to 21:30 Workshop Squirrel – Leader: Sanja Graša
After reading the story “Shy Squirrel in the Dark” by Mélanie Watt, in the creative workshop participants will make little squirrels that pop out of folded cardboard. The dark is not so scary with one brave squirrel!
– from 21:30 to 22:30 Pheasant Workshop – Leader: Nataša Vojnović
After Igor Knižek’s story “The woodcutter Tvrtko and the pheasant from the garden of heaven”, in the creative workshop, children will use the collage technique, with the help of the leader, to make small pictures from the pages of written books and cardboard – memories of the Night of Fortresses in Karlovy Vary 2024 using the motif of the night and the Old Town Dubovac.
Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Marinko Pleskina
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: 0995456809