Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.

Crna Gora/Montenegro, Danilovgrad, Danilovgrad
Država/Country: Crna Gora/Montenegro
Grad/City: Danilovgrad
Lokacija/Location: Danilovgrad
Organizator/Organiser: Turistička organizacija Danilovgrad/Touristic organization Danilovgrad
Website: http://tod.co.me
Instagram: http://danilovgrad.travel
Program obuhvata promociju kratkometražnog dokumentarnog filma koji prikazuje lokalitet, istorijske činjenice i anegdote vezane za Spušku tvrđavu, koja se nalazi u Spužu. Nju su podigli Turci pod nadzorom Hodaverdi paše prvih godina osamnaestog vijeka. Krase je kule i jaki bedemi i ima površinu od 1400 m². Ovo utvrđenje koje se koristilo za odbranu je izgrađeno na strmoj i nepristupačnoj glavici i ostalo je neosvojivo. Sam lokalitet je od izuzetne kultuno istorijske važnosti, kako za Danilovgrad tako i za Crnu Goru. Film će biti prikazan publici u prostorijama Centra za kulturu Danilovgrad u terminu koji je predviđen programom organizatora projekta “Noć tvrđava”.
Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:
The program includes the promotion of a short documentary film that shows the location, historical facts and anecdotes related to the Spuška Fortress, which is located in Spuža. It was built by the Turks under the supervision of Hodaverdi Pasha in the first years of the eighteenth century. It is decorated with towers and strong ramparts and has an area of 1400 m². This fortification, which was used for defense, was built on a steep and inaccessible headland and remained impregnable. The locality itself is of exceptional cultural and historical importance, both for Danilovgrad and for Montenegro. The film will be shown to the audience in the premises of the Danilovgrad Culture Center at the time provided by the program of the organizers of the “Fortress Night” project.
Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Ivan Dragojević
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: +38267577100
Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.
Crna Gora/Montenegro, Danilovgrad, Danilovgrad
Država/Country: Crna Gora/Montenegro
Grad/City: Danilovgrad
Lokacija/Location: Danilovgrad
Organizator/Organiser: Turistička organizacija Danilovgrad/Touristic organization Danilovgrad
Website: http://tod.co.me
Instagram: http://danilovgrad.travel
Program obuhvata promociju kratkometražnog dokumentarnog filma koji prikazuje lokalitet, istorijske činjenice i anegdote vezane za Spušku tvrđavu, koja se nalazi u Spužu. Nju su podigli Turci pod nadzorom Hodaverdi paše prvih godina osamnaestog vijeka. Krase je kule i jaki bedemi i ima površinu od 1400 m². Ovo utvrđenje koje se koristilo za odbranu je izgrađeno na strmoj i nepristupačnoj glavici i ostalo je neosvojivo. Sam lokalitet je od izuzetne kultuno istorijske važnosti, kako za Danilovgrad tako i za Crnu Goru. Film će biti prikazan publici u prostorijama Centra za kulturu Danilovgrad u terminu koji je predviđen programom organizatora projekta “Noć tvrđava”.
Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:
The program includes the promotion of a short documentary film that shows the location, historical facts and anecdotes related to the Spuška Fortress, which is located in Spuža. It was built by the Turks under the supervision of Hodaverdi Pasha in the first years of the eighteenth century. It is decorated with towers and strong ramparts and has an area of 1400 m². This fortification, which was used for defense, was built on a steep and inaccessible headland and remained impregnable. The locality itself is of exceptional cultural and historical importance, both for Danilovgrad and for Montenegro. The film will be shown to the audience in the premises of the Danilovgrad Culture Center at the time provided by the program of the organizers of the “Fortress Night” project.
Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Ivan Dragojević
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: +38267577100