Učesnici/Participants 2024.

Srbija, Leskovac, Narodni muzej Leskovac-arheološki lokalitet Skobaljić grad
Država/Country: Srbija
Grad/City: Leskovac
Lokacija/Location: Narodni muzej Leskovac-arheološki lokalitet Skobaljić grad
Organizator/Organiser: Narodni muzej Leskovac
Website: https://muzejleskovac.rs/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/muzejleskovac/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muzejleskovac/
Prvi deo manifestacije biće rezervisan za radionicu ,,Heraldika u srednjem veku“ koja će biti održana u Narodnom muzeju Leskovac. Zainteresovanim posetiocima u toku dana biće organizovano stručno vođenje kroz stalnu postavku u delu koji je vezan za arheološki lokalitet Skobaljić grad i ličnost vojvode Nikole Skobaljića. Drugi deo manifestacije obuhvatiće obilazak samog lokaliteta koji se nalazi na 17 km od Leskovca na obroncima planine Kukavica. Reč je o srednjovekovnoj tvrđavi koja je datirana u prvoj polovni 15. veka i služila je odbrani jugoistočne granice Srpske despotovine u vreme Đurđa Brnakovića. Grad vezujemo za ličnost vojvode Nikole Skobaljića. Pomoć u realizaciji manifestacije pružiće viteška družina iz Leskovca.
Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:
First part of manifestation will be reserved for activity ,,Heraldry in middle ages“ and it will be organized in National museum Leskovac. Interested visitors will have opportunity to go on a tour trough exhibit which displays archeological site Skobaljic grad and duke Nikola Skobaljic. The second part of manifestation will include visiting the site which is located 17 km away from Leskovac on the edges of mountain Kukavica. We are talking about medieval fortress which dates back to first half of the 15. century and its purpose was to protect southeastern borders of Serbian Despotate in times of Đurđa Brankovića. The fortress is connected to the personality of duke Nikola Skobaljic. In realization of this manifestation, Fellowship of knights from Leskovac will provide their aid.
Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Vladimir Petković
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: +381614045405
Srbija, Leskovac, Narodni muzej Leskovac-arheološki lokalitet Skobaljić grad
Država/Country: Srbija
Grad/City: Leskovac
Lokacija/Location: Narodni muzej Leskovac-arheološki lokalitet Skobaljić grad
Organizator/Organiser: Narodni muzej Leskovac
Website: https://muzejleskovac.rs/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/muzejleskovac/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muzejleskovac/
Prvi deo manifestacije biće rezervisan za radionicu ,,Heraldika u srednjem veku“ koja će biti održana u Narodnom muzeju Leskovac. Zainteresovanim posetiocima u toku dana biće organizovano stručno vođenje kroz stalnu postavku u delu koji je vezan za arheološki lokalitet Skobaljić grad i ličnost vojvode Nikole Skobaljića. Drugi deo manifestacije obuhvatiće obilazak samog lokaliteta koji se nalazi na 17 km od Leskovca na obroncima planine Kukavica. Reč je o srednjovekovnoj tvrđavi koja je datirana u prvoj polovni 15. veka i služila je odbrani jugoistočne granice Srpske despotovine u vreme Đurđa Brnakovića. Grad vezujemo za ličnost vojvode Nikole Skobaljića. Pomoć u realizaciji manifestacije pružiće viteška družina iz Leskovca.
Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:
First part of manifestation will be reserved for activity ,,Heraldry in middle ages“ and it will be organized in National museum Leskovac. Interested visitors will have opportunity to go on a tour trough exhibit which displays archeological site Skobaljic grad and duke Nikola Skobaljic. The second part of manifestation will include visiting the site which is located 17 km away from Leskovac on the edges of mountain Kukavica. We are talking about medieval fortress which dates back to first half of the 15. century and its purpose was to protect southeastern borders of Serbian Despotate in times of Đurđa Brankovića. The fortress is connected to the personality of duke Nikola Skobaljic. In realization of this manifestation, Fellowship of knights from Leskovac will provide their aid.
Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Vladimir Petković
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: +381614045405