BA, Banja Luka, Fortress Kastel

Organizer: City of Banja Luka

29./30.04.2022. - Night of Fortresses

BA, Banja Luka, Fortress Kastel

Organizer: City of Banja Luka

29./30.04.2022. - Night of Fortresses

Friday, April 29th

14.00 Tour of the Castel Fortress
(1st tour of interactive points and a journey through history)

16.00 Tour of the Castel Fortress
(2nd tour of interactive points and a journey through history)

18.00 Tour of the Castel Fortress
(3rd tour of interactive points and a journey through history)

14.00 – 20.45 Exhibition of works of art and historical exhibits

20.45 Concert of the City Tamburitza Orchestra Banja Luka

Saturday, April 30

10.00 Equestrian Skills

10.00 Face painting

11.00 Arts & Crafts

11.00 Young Archaeologist

10.00 – 12.00 Exhibition of works of art and historical exhibits

© 2025. Night of Fortresses

This website was co-funded by the European Union. The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Municipality of Bar and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.