Učesnici/Participants 2023.

Država/Country: Hrvatska / Croatia
Grad/City: Desinić
Lokacija/Location: Hum Košnički 1
Organizator/Organiser: Muzeji Hrvatskog zagorja – Dvor Veliki Tabor / Museums of Hrvatsko Zagorje – Veliki Tabor Castle
Website: https://www.veliki-tabor.hr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DvorVelikiTabor/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/velikitabor/
U periodu od 18 do 22 sata posjetitelji će imati priliku poslušati predavanje, pogledati lutkarsku predstavu “Črna kraljica”, sudjelovati na edukativno – zabavnim radionicama te razgledati muzejske izložbe u kostimiranom stručnom vodstvu.
In the time between 18:00 and 22:00, visitors will have the opportunity to listen to the lecture, watch the puppet show “The Black Queen”, participate in educational and entertaining workshops and view the museum exhibitions under expert guidance.
Ime i prezime/First and Last name: Renata Dečman
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: 049374972
Država/Country: Hrvatska / Croatia
Grad/City: Desinić
Lokacija/Location: Hum Košnički 1
Organizator/Organiser: Muzeji Hrvatskog zagorja – Dvor Veliki Tabor / Museums of Hrvatsko Zagorje – Veliki Tabor Castle
Website: https://www.veliki-tabor.hr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DvorVelikiTabor/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/velikitabor/
U periodu od 18 do 22 sata posjetitelji će imati priliku poslušati predavanje, pogledati lutkarsku predstavu “Črna kraljica”, sudjelovati na edukativno – zabavnim radionicama te razgledati muzejske izložbe u kostimiranom stručnom vodstvu.
In the time between 18:00 and 22:00, visitors will have the opportunity to listen to the lecture, watch the puppet show “The Black Queen”, participate in educational and entertaining workshops and view the museum exhibitions under expert guidance.
Ime i prezime/First and Last name: Renata Dečman
Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]
Broj telefona/Phone number: 049374972