Učesnici/Participants 2024.

Republika Hrvatska/ Croatia, Preko/Preko, Tvrđava sveti Mihovil, Poljana/ Fortress of St.Michael/Poljana

Država/Country: Republika Hrvatska/ Croatia

Grad/City: Preko/Preko

Lokacija/Location: Tvrđava sveti Mihovil, Poljana/ Fortress of St.Michael/Poljana

Organizator/Organiser: Turistička zajednica Općine Preko/Tourist Board of Municipality of Preko


Website: http://www.preko.hr

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/visitislandugljan

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/visit_ugljan/

Program na jeziku zemlje prijavitelja-učesnika/Programme description in national language:

Program Noć tvrđava u Preku je podijeljen u dva dijela. Prvi dio programa obuhvaća suradnju s učenicima iz OŠ „Valentin Klarin“ iz Preka. U jutarnjim satima 9.15-10:00h bit će organiziran Storytelling – upoznavanje s poviješću tvrđave kroz pričanje priče, Tvrđava sv. Mihovila (uzrast učenika 11/12 godina);
10-11h – Arheološke radionice, Tvrđava sv. Mihovila. Drudi dio programa obuhvaća predavanje u poslijepodnevnim satima:
19.00h – Tvrđava sv. Mihovila u svjetlu novih arheoloških spoznaja, predavanje Pio Domines Peter, dipl. arheol., Društveni dom Poljana
Cjelokupan program vodi Pio Domines Peter, dipl.arheol.

Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:

The Night of Fortresses in Preko program is divided into two parts. The first part of the program includes cooperation with pupils from the primary school „Valentin Klarin“ from Preko. Storytelling will be organized in the morning hours from 9:15 to 10:00 a.m. – getting to know the history of the fortress through telling stories, Fortress of St. Michael (student age 11/12 years);
10-11 a.m. – Archaeological workshops, Fortress of St. Michael. The second part of the program includes a lecture in the afternoon:
19.00h – Fortress of St. Michael in the light of new archaeological findings, lecture by Pio Domines Peter, B.Sc. archeol., Community center Poljana
The entire program is led by Pio Domines Peter, archeologist.


Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Ivan Košta

Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]

Broj telefona/Phone number: +385323286108

Republika Hrvatska/ Croatia, Preko/Preko, Tvrđava sveti Mihovil, Poljana/ Fortress of St.Michael/Poljana

Država/Country: Republika Hrvatska/ Croatia

Grad/City: Preko/Preko

Lokacija/Location: Tvrđava sveti Mihovil, Poljana/ Fortress of St.Michael/Poljana

Organizator/Organiser: Turistička zajednica Općine Preko/Tourist Board of Municipality of Preko


Website: http://www.preko.hr

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/visitislandugljan

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/visit_ugljan/

Program na jeziku zemlje prijavitelja-učesnika/Programme description in national language:

Program Noć tvrđava u Preku je podijeljen u dva dijela. Prvi dio programa obuhvaća suradnju s učenicima iz OŠ „Valentin Klarin“ iz Preka. U jutarnjim satima 9.15-10:00h bit će organiziran Storytelling – upoznavanje s poviješću tvrđave kroz pričanje priče, Tvrđava sv. Mihovila (uzrast učenika 11/12 godina);
10-11h – Arheološke radionice, Tvrđava sv. Mihovila. Drudi dio programa obuhvaća predavanje u poslijepodnevnim satima:
19.00h – Tvrđava sv. Mihovila u svjetlu novih arheoloških spoznaja, predavanje Pio Domines Peter, dipl. arheol., Društveni dom Poljana
Cjelokupan program vodi Pio Domines Peter, dipl.arheol.

Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:

The Night of Fortresses in Preko program is divided into two parts. The first part of the program includes cooperation with pupils from the primary school „Valentin Klarin“ from Preko. Storytelling will be organized in the morning hours from 9:15 to 10:00 a.m. – getting to know the history of the fortress through telling stories, Fortress of St. Michael (student age 11/12 years);
10-11 a.m. – Archaeological workshops, Fortress of St. Michael. The second part of the program includes a lecture in the afternoon:
19.00h – Fortress of St. Michael in the light of new archaeological findings, lecture by Pio Domines Peter, B.Sc. archeol., Community center Poljana
The entire program is led by Pio Domines Peter, archeologist.


Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Ivan Košta

Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]

Broj telefona/Phone number: +385323286108