Step by Step, Event by Event – Night of Fortresses Goes Green Registrations for this year’s edition of the international event Night of Fortresses, which will take place on Friday, May 9, 2025, are now open. Applications can be submitted via online form available on the official event website: The call is open […]
Noć tvrđava udahnula novi život stoljetnim zdanjima diljem Europe: Tisuće posjetitelja uživalo na preko 130 različitih programa!

Prošlog petka, 10. svibnja, svjetla su se upalila na trećem izdanju manifestacije “Noć Tvrđava”. Okupivši 8 zemalja i 40 gradova diljem Hrvatske i regije, ova manifestacija dočekala je na tisuće posjetitelja koji su imali prilike uživati na ukupno 135 raznovrsnih događanja na atraktivnim utvrđenim lokalitetima. Noć tvrđava obuhvatila je 38 radionica, 34 stručna vodstva, 19 […]
The Night of Fortresses event on May 10th connects the most significant and attractive fortifications in eight European countries!

The third edition of the Night of Fortresses has attracted a record number of locations, including the most significant and attractive fortified sites in Croatia, joined by fortresses and castles in Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Czech Republic, Romania, and Ukraine. The event, organized by the Šibenik Fortress of Culture and partners, will take […]
Join the third edition of the Night of Fortresses – online applications are open until mid-April!

The Night of Fortresses, an event that connects and promotes programs at fortification locations throughout Europe, this year will be held on Friday, May 10. All established localities in Europe and other heritage institutions can participate in this year’s edition of the Night of Fortresses by submitting their application via the online form on the website […]

Announcing the Date for the Third Edition of the Night of Fortresses! Following two highly successful editions that connected and promoted programs at 45 fortification sites across six European countries, the organizers are thrilled to announce the third edition of the Night of Fortresses, scheduled for Friday, May 10, 2024! The Night of Fortresses, with […]
Join the third edition of the Night of Fortresses – online applications are open until mid-April!

The Night of Fortresses, an event that connects and promotes programs at fortification locations throughout Croatia and Europe, this year will be held on Friday, May 10. All established localities in Europe and other heritage institutions can participate in this year’s edition of the Night of Fortresses by submitting their application via the online form on […]
SAVE THE DATE: Second edition of Night of Fortresses will held on May 5, 2023

Dear participants of the Night of Fortresses 2022! We are pleased to inform you that the FORTITUDE project, which was carried out by the Šibenik Fortress of Culture Public Institution as the lead, together with partners the City of Karlovac, the City of Banja Luka and the Municipality of Bar, was successfully completed in August […]
Night of fortresses 2022 – joint video

Dobar posao u Francuskoj: U starim dvorcima tražili smo nove ideje upravljanja baštinom

Kroz četverodnevno studijsko putovanje u sklopu projekta FORTITUDE, tim Tvrđave kulture Šibenik je zajedno s projektnim partnerima iz Banja Luke, Bara i Karlovca posjetio Francusku, točnije dolinu rijeke Loire. U njoj je smješteno više od sto lokaliteta od iznimne povijesne važnosti kako za francusku tako i za europsku povijest što dokazuje i činjenica da je […]
Banja Luka: New tourist route “Vrbas Fortress” presented

As part of the project “Improvement of cross-border tourist offer at the fortresses” FORTITUDE “in Banja Luka, a workshop was held with representatives of the Tourist Organization of the City of Banja Luka and tourist guides, where a newly created thematic tourist route called” Vrbas Fortress “was presented. The route is based on four fortresses […]