Drniš, Fortresses beside rivers Krka and Čikola,

29./30.04.2022. – Exhibition: Medieval fortifications on the rivers Krka and Čikola

The exhibition covers medieval fortifications in scope of “Krka” National Park, where Public Institution “Krka National Park” has been systematically carrying out archaeological research over the past years, as well as architectural and geodetic surveys and conservation works. Knowledge of life on the Krka River and its hard towns in the late Middle Ages is supplemented by valuable data from various historical sources. The noble Šubić family built fortifications Trošenj-grad (Čučevo) and Rogovo on the right bank of the river Krka, while fortifications on the left bank of the river – Nečven, Bogočin and Kamičak – were in possession of other families: Nelipić, Martinušić, Bogetić, Utješinović and Misljenovic. Nelipići owned the most beautiful among the forts, Ključica, built over the canyon of the river Čikola.

Organizer: Drniš City Museum

