Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.

Bosna i Hercegovina/Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja Luka/Banja Luka, Tvrđava Kastel/Kastel fortress

Država/Country: Bosna i Hercegovina/Bosnia and Herzegovina

Grad/City: Banja Luka/Banja Luka

Lokacija/Location: Tvrđava Kastel/Kastel fortress

Organizator/Organiser: Grad Banja Luka/ City of Banja Luka


Website: https://www.banjaluka.rs.ba/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gubanjaluka/

Instagram: http://banjaluka.gu

Program na jeziku zemlje prijavitelja-učesnika/Programme description in national language:

U poslepodnevnim časovima otvaranje manifestacije sa predavanjem o tvrđavi Kastel
Između 13 i 15 časova predstave na temu srednjeg veka u organizaciji banjalučkih osnovnih škola
Slobodne aktivnosti, radionice za decu i predstavljanje vitezova
U 17 časova je planiran koncert kulturno umetničkog društva Čajavec čiji će folklorni ansambl predstaviti tradicionalne igre narodne kulture.
U 19 časova će se održati predavanja na temu srednjeg veka sa predavačima iz Muzeja savremene umetnosti Banja Luka

Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:

Opening of the event in the afternoon with a lecture about Kastel fortress
Between 1 and 3 p.m. performances on the theme of the Middle Ages organized by Banja Luka elementary schools
Free activities, workshops for children and presentation of medieval knights
At 5:00 p.m., a concert by the cultural and artistic society Čajavec is planned, whose folklore ensemble will present traditional dances of folk culture.
At 19:00 there will be lectures on the topic of the Middle Ages with lecturers from the Banja Luka Museum of Contemporary Art


Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Nataša Kostić

Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]

Broj telefona/Phone number: 0038765884757

Učesnici/Sudionici/Participants 2024.

Bosna i Hercegovina/Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja Luka/Banja Luka, Tvrđava Kastel/Kastel fortress

Država/Country: Bosna i Hercegovina/Bosnia and Herzegovina

Grad/City: Banja Luka/Banja Luka

Lokacija/Location: Tvrđava Kastel/Kastel fortress

Organizator/Organiser: Grad Banja Luka/ City of Banja Luka


Website: https://www.banjaluka.rs.ba/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gubanjaluka/

Instagram: http://banjaluka.gu

Program na jeziku zemlje prijavitelja-učesnika/Programme description in national language:

U poslepodnevnim časovima otvaranje manifestacije sa predavanjem o tvrđavi Kastel
Između 13 i 15 časova predstave na temu srednjeg veka u organizaciji banjalučkih osnovnih škola
Slobodne aktivnosti, radionice za decu i predstavljanje vitezova
U 17 časova je planiran koncert kulturno umetničkog društva Čajavec čiji će folklorni ansambl predstaviti tradicionalne igre narodne kulture.
U 19 časova će se održati predavanja na temu srednjeg veka sa predavačima iz Muzeja savremene umetnosti Banja Luka

Program na engleskom jeziku/Program description in the English language:

Opening of the event in the afternoon with a lecture about Kastel fortress
Between 1 and 3 p.m. performances on the theme of the Middle Ages organized by Banja Luka elementary schools
Free activities, workshops for children and presentation of medieval knights
At 5:00 p.m., a concert by the cultural and artistic society Čajavec is planned, whose folklore ensemble will present traditional dances of folk culture.
At 19:00 there will be lectures on the topic of the Middle Ages with lecturers from the Banja Luka Museum of Contemporary Art


Ime i prezime/Name and Last name: Nataša Kostić

Email adresa/Email address: [email protected]

Broj telefona/Phone number: 0038765884757